Saturday 22 January 2011

Cos All I Wanna Do Is... Bicycle

My boyfriend made me the most amazing bike for Christmas, had been looking at Pashley bikes but the prices are a little steep... So being the bicycle enthusiast that he is he decided to make me one. I hadn't felt so excited on Christmas Day since I was little.

Today is the first chance I had to officially take my bike out, visiting various friends around my hometown to show off my brand new bike. It is sooo cold today that I couldn't decide what to wear on my bike, I liked the idea of wearing dresses and skirts and beautiful outfits but the weather definitly changed my mind. I wrapped up warm and popped my bag in my huge wicker basket.

Panicked a bit leaving it outside my friend's house without any bicycle lock, eek imagine getting it stolen on the first time I took it out, Jim would murder me!!! Anyway after a few hours (and a few slices of Mandy's angel cake) later I made my way back home and was so disappointed to get off my bike.

Thinking I will go the gym to do Sunday afternoon Yoga tomorrow afternoon on it.. Best thing about yoga is definitley the lying down relaxing session at the end of the class, in our gym some people even bring blankets! Haven't got that far and I'm defo not one of the people who starts snoring really loudly although I love the relaxed feeling you have so it's so tempting to doze off.. zzz

Pictures will follow..

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